Michigan Snowmobile Injury Accident Lawyer

No-Win No-Fee Snowmobile Accident Law Firm

Our Snowmobile Accident Lawyer was named to The Top 100 Trial Lawyers 


If you have been in an injury accident involving a snowmobile, call us for help. There are typically two types of snowmobile accident cases. First ones where another snowmobile operator was negligent and caused a crash. The second involves a motor vehicle hitting a snowmobile. We are attorneys that can handle both injury and wrongful death cases involving snowmobile accidents. We work no-win-no-fee which means there is no fee unless or until we collect/win for you. Claims include wage loss, medical bills and pain and suffering (injury) damages.


Do I Have A Snowmobile Accident Case?

What is eighty three thousand seven hundred and fifty four as a number?

Personal Injury Lawyers Lawsuits, Settlements and Awards

CALL The Law Offices of Jason A. Waechter for free advice




Our Law Office is Headquartered in Southfield, Michigan. We have 6 law offices serving the entire state of Michigan




How Much Time You Have To File A Lawsuit For A Snowmobile Accident: The answer can depend on the state where the snowmobile accident occurred and the state where the victim resides. Michigan law allows for up to 3 years to file a lawsuit for a snowmobile accident.


Michigan's Top Snowmobile Accident Law Firm